Saturday, November 14, 2009

Advertising and genre have the power to sway our film choices thanks to our favorite genres...

As I finish up my interviews, advertising has proven to have a huge impact on the viewer. Whether the student or professor I interviewed was associated with the film program or not, advertising was mentioned as a big role in their film viewing. There is always an exception; however, a thrilling trailer or enticing poster tends to draw the potential viewer’s attention. Depending on the genre, the advertisement will be different. Advertisements for a comedy will often contain a few of the funniest parts from that certain film, in order to cause the viewer to laugh and display the nature of the film. On the other hand, an advertisement for a drama will show a taste of the plot and will often leave the viewer feeling an intense emotion about the film.

The genre of the film poses to be quite important to all motion picture viewers. Not one interviewee I spoke with had left out the importance of genre when choosing a film. Although non-film and film students and professors selected different types of genres, both spoke of the importance of viewing films within comfortable genres. Often the advertisement will play into viewer’s choices because it displays the genre and nature of the film; therefore, if a viewer tends to be more comfortable within a certain genre, the advertising will easily sway them one way or the other.

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