Monday, October 19, 2009


When making film choices, viewers often look into a film because of who is starring in the it. Actors are often known for their quirky roles, certain genre work, and outstanding talent in all aspects of the film industry. Viewers will tend to have higher expectations of films starring major actors and actresses in the film industry, especially when that actor has done well in that type of film before. For example an actor who has worked a lot in the venue of comedy and been successful will be expected to do well when acting in their new comedy. To the same effect, a viewer may see an action film, however, they maybe more likely to see an action film starring actors and actresses such as Angelina Jolie, Vin Diesel, and Bruce Willis. Also, a well known actor will also boost the viewing rates of a film where the plot may not be known. Experiments and surveys have shown that viewers will see a film when well known actors are present even if the film is not well known. It has been proven by box office sales that on average, stars play a big role in the success of a film, therefore meaning more people are going out and seeing it versus films with less known actors. The economy and state of the viewer's world will draw a desire to watch films starring specific actors. During hard times, viewers prefer mature topics and qualities in films and the actors that are featured. Research shows that in hard times, viewers will seek comfort in films demonstrating strong attributes in their actors and characters such as independence, control, and strength, because these are qualities that the viewers are looking to possess when their real life is in turmoil. Usually, these types of actors are men, due to the outlook of men being generally physically stronger then women. Men are the protectors, and in most cases, the characters in which an audience desiring hope will want to watch. In good times, comedic actors will be desired for viewers and therefore making comedies a higher viewed genre. Actors working within this genre become well known actors. A good example from the past few years of current events affecting the type of films and actors viewers desire to watch is the events of 9/11. After this tragic day, many films were put out displaying the strength in the police force and firefighting units across America. An example of this is the film "Ladder 49", which shows the ins and outs of a fire fighter's daily duties, struggles, and loss. The main actor in this film is Joaquin Phoenix, a strong jawed man who is a little rough around the edges. Being the main character, he was perfect for the part that the viewers desired to see, being a symbol of strength for his unit.

From the years of 1939-1995, the Annual Quigley Publications Poll has been a poll taken each year to indicate the top five most popular American actors in each given year. Each year, these polls are based on box office values the film had acquired for that year. This means that the films that brought in the highest dollar amounts were evaluated and the starring actors and actresses were used for this poll. Because this poll was based on the films that brought in the most money, it demonstrates that the actors in the films have a huge impact on why people chose to see that specific film. It indicates that over history, people have made film choices because of the actors and actresses involved in the motion picture, not just the plot or genre. Interviews and research has already been showing me that students each have their favorite and least favorite actors and actresses. I hope to do further research on the impact that these actors have in the film. Would the film be as good to the viewer if it were a different actor? Would the viewer even go and see the film if these certain actors were not involved in the film? Does it change the viewers feelings toward an actor/ actress if they branch into different genres and don't succeed? Actors play a big role in choosing a film and will continue to be as important, especially in the economically weak situation we're currently experiencing. Well known actors will become a comforting thing for viewers because they know that person's body of work and can better gauge whether it is worth their $9.00 to see a certain film. Actors and actresses will always be a point of interest, in the media, in everyday conversation, and in film choices.

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