Wednesday, December 2, 2009
My film study comes to an end but hopefully your film viewing experiences never will...
This project has opened my eyes to a lot and I hope it will provide other individuals with helpful information, including scholars who have touched on this subject in their past research. When I started researching any past work done on film viewing criteria, I was surprised to find nothing. Scholars had done a lot of research on the psychological implications left on people due to the films they watched, but none of them explained the motivation behind peoples choices. Many articles focused on violence in films and how much it affects people. It is always interesting to learn about what we think about and learn from films we watch, but it is not the focus of my study. I wanted to learn why professors and students like me are motivated to watch films. Even before college I was obsessed with watching films and studying how they were made. I have always had a passion to make films one day because of the huge impact they have had on my life. As cheesy as it may sound, many films I have viewed in the past have been directly related to my life in some way. There are always morals and lessons you can take out of films and connect to your life. A lot of times I watch movies that I know focus on characters struggling with similar problems that I am having a hard time with.
Through my interviews, I noticed many themes people hold which I have touched on in my past blogs, so I won't reiterate what I have already told you. I do want to talk a little about how this project has affected me. I have always been somewhat of a film snob and I have always loved critiquing films. As I conducted interviews, I learned that I am very biased towards certain types of films and I am not as open to trying new films as I thought I was. I made sure to ask questions that were not biased towards the types of films I love and I also made sure to interview a wide range of students and professors. This way it was not just people that I already knew, having possibly biased in the past with my ideas. After all of the interviews were done I realized that there is so much more in the realm of film for me to watch and learn about.
Although it was a pain searching for scholarly works that did not exist on my topic, I am glad that I did not find anything because it forced me to learn as much as possible from a study that appears to have never been researched. I hope that this study encourages scholars to explore the realm of film viewing, as well as offering a challenge for them to learn about the motivation of individuals film choices, just like it challenged me. My wish is that this blog has been informative and helpful to all of the readers that love watching films just like myself. Every time a teacher or someone in a leadership role teaches you a lesson they always end by saying the same thing, which is now a part of my philosophy in life. If you get anything out of what I have told you about people's film viewing experiences let it be that you have an open mind at all times and that you view unique and different films. When you are deciding on a film to watch, branch out and try something new! Something as simple as watching films can have a big impact on an individual's life and I hope that one day my films will challenge you in some way.
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Advertising and genre have the power to sway our film choices thanks to our favorite genres...
The genre of the film poses to be quite important to all motion picture viewers. Not one interviewee I spoke with had left out the importance of genre when choosing a film. Although non-film and film students and professors selected different types of genres, both spoke of the importance of viewing films within comfortable genres. Often the advertisement will play into viewer’s choices because it displays the genre and nature of the film; therefore, if a viewer tends to be more comfortable within a certain genre, the advertising will easily sway them one way or the other.
"Film" reviews only seem critical to those in the "Film" program...
Based on my interviews, I have found that film students and professors tend to hold critic reviews in higher regard than those who are not in the film program. Often times, film students will look to reviews to decide whether or not a film will be worth seeing. These critic reviews are viewed as trusted sources to those in the realm of film because they have worked hard to get where they are in the industry and base their reviews on the same criteria each time. This way, critic reviews prove to contain little to no bias on the critic’s part and therefore are more reliable than the reviews of peers or making a decision based on an actor or advertising. Non-film students and professors tend to rely on other means, leaving critic reviews as a last resort for the information on an upcoming film.
Whether the student or professor is a real film snob or not, they tend to heavily rely on some of the basic peer reviewed websites, which give a rating and synopsis of the film. Some of these websites are on a scale of one to ten, others go by a percentage between zero and one hundred. The majority of film students have told me that they at the very least visit two or three simple review websites. However, a large amount of the film students also admitted to researching more in depth websites with acclaimed critic reviews. I was happy that I found time to interview one of the busiest, but most highly recommended film students, for his work done here at the university. He told me a lot about the process he takes when reviewing upcoming films and the specific reviews that never let him down. I was very happy to learn about more critic reviews that I did not already know about because I feel they will benefit me, considering I have much of the same taste in films as he does.
Although reviews can be very helpful and beneficial to students and professors it is important to find an established website or article because some reviews lack credibility and have little to offer potential audience members. I have read many reviews that were not helpful and had a lack of critical information regarding the film. I talked with one of my film professors who told me about some of his critic review experiences. My professor expressed his passion for reading established critic reviews because they analyze films in specific aspects that we, as viewers, do not ever think about. He has his favorite critics that he always falls back on; however, he has been branching out to other critics that he has more recently discovered. My film professor would not stop stressing the importance of established critics because he has had many bad experiences with new films based on random critic reviews. He told me about a few times in the past when students and other professors have asked his opinion of certain films. On multiple occasions he took his chances and told others what he read about the film, not having seen the film, which ended up not being helpful and horribly wrong. From my own experiences, I cannot stress in words how important it is to read multiple reviews for one specific film and to make sure that the majority of the reviews are held in high regard.How the production value of a film only seems relevant to those in the film program and how the actors of a film do not seem relevant to anyone...
The appreciation or lack of appreciation for the production value of a film is an interesting and often critical factor in film viewing choices for some. In almost all cases so far, film students and professors have stressed the importance of the filmmakers and personnel that make the actual film. These students and professors are studying and teaching in the realm of film; therefore, those who work so hard to make a film possible are the very people that hold the positions these students are looking to someday be in themselves. The students and professors within the film program hold a higher view of those involved in the film because they understand the effort and countless sleepless nights and hours of work that go into each film. I am currently taking a class focused on cinematography and my professor explained that he only watches movies that are made by specific film companies. Usually he won’t watch a movie unless it has a filmmaker that he respects or already knows a lot about. During the summer months, my cinematography professor works on a feature length film, so he knows how much work it takes to make a successful film.
Non-film students and professors usually only look at the outcome of the film and usually don’t stress or even realize the importance of those individual talents working behind the scene. Very few non-film students and professors expressed their desire to watch a film based on who actually produced and made the film possible. Non-film students and professors tend to look at the talent in the shining light instead of those who are behind the scenes. Such people tend to look toward the actors and actresses starring in the film instead of the directors or writers; however, I was surprised that the importance of actors was not relevant to all of my interviewees. Before starting the interviewing process, I was sure that everyone would rely heavily on the actors in the film. I had the chance to interview a music major at Titania Midwestern who expressed that he will still see a film with an actor or actress that he may dislike if the genre of that particular film is a genre that he was comfortable with. It surprised me that he demonstrated a lack of importance of actors and actresses, even those that are disliked by the viewer, contrary to my original thoughts. Both film and non-film students and professors did not display a strong pattern of actor importance; nevertheless, those who did show a large reliance on the actors in a film generally fell into the non-film program category.
How Gender has affected my interviewing process...
Throughout all of my interviews, I have taken notice of the fact that there are very few females within the film program. After asking a few questions, I discovered that the few girls in the program are mainly minors of film, not majors. Most of the females in my film classes have many hurdles to jump in order to one day become successful in the film industry, considering there are very few famous females in high positions, such as directors. I conducted a very unique interview with a female film student who actually graduated, but came back to take a few classes to gain more knowledge. She explained to me that getting started in the film industry has been a hard obstacle to overcome because females are usually not looked upon as highly as men in positions of high authority. Her movie choices are heavily dependent on who directed the film, being especially interested in films that have female directors. After the interview I tried to think of famous female directors or cinematographers and I had a very hard time coming up with more than a few.
The male to female ratio of film students is very one-sided compared to the professors within the film program that I had the chance to speak with, which displayed a fairly equal male to female ratio. Almost every professor, at some point in their career, had worked in the film industry and now teach as professors. Although it is hard for females to be successful in the film industry, teaching seems to be welcomed and preferred by both males and females. I have noticed that not only is it easier for a female film major to work as a professor, but it is actually preferred, especially after working in the industry for a few years. Males, on the other hand, have a better chance of cracking into the film industry in a big way; however, male professors I have spoken to also enjoy working with students as much as, if not more than, working hands on in a film or in the heart of the industry. In fact, professors often view teaching as the heart of the industry, because it is in the universities that the greatest directors, cinematographers, and script writers are given their first chance to shine.
Sunday, November 1, 2009
The Importance of Biases...
I had the opportunity to interview a few film students this week, one of which I am not close with as a friend, merely just another classmate of mine. While interviewing her, I made sure that I did not ask any questions that were biased toward my opinions. Out of all the film students I have interviewed so far, this was the most interesting and different opinionated interview I have held. I noticed that her main area of focus when deciding to watch a film is safety. She loves watching the same movies over and over again because they are her favorites. She does not tend to branch out and watch new movies or even movies other classmates and professors suggest, which is very rare for a film student. She does not watch many movies at all and when she does decide to watch a new film, reviews are not relevant to her. Advertising does play a role in her decision making process, along with her peers suggestions. Every once in a while she will see a movie that is coming out that she is dying to see; however, for the most part she just likes watching her favorite films. She feels that in order to become a great filmmaker she needs to be creative and come up with her own spin on how to make a film. Watching a lot of movies would influence her opinion when actually making a film. All and all, the directors, producers, cinematographers, etc. do not influence her film viewing. Every so often, she will watch a film because of an actor starring in the film, but mostly any new movies she will watch are based on the genre of the film. She does not like watching movies in general, but when she does, branching out is not important to her.
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Interviews will continue to surprise me...
As I continued talking with this music student he explained the importance of advertising, genres, and actors. Although he does not read reviews he will further research a film after seeing an advertisement that sparks his eye. He continues researching a film because he does not want to expect one thing and being handed a different thing. The main area he researches is the content of the film. He explained that he has high moral standards and the content of the film can affect if he will watch it or not. He then started talking about how the actors in a film are not important unless it is an actor that he really does not care for. Even then, he will still watch a movie with that disliked actor depending on the genre of the film. He thinks that the genre is most important, the actors come second. He likes certain actors in certain types of films. There is not specific actors that he likes or does not like, it all comes down to the genre. As we finished up our conversation he told that the only film that he never watches is horror films because they often interfere with his moral choices in life. He does not care for how they make him feel and does not find them entertaining.
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Film Reviews...
The second type of reviews heavily relied on for film input and expectations is critic reviews. There are two things that critic reviews typically provide viewers with, the first is influence. Critic reviews help to influence the viewer's decisions to see a film or to pass on seeing a film right away. The second thing that critic reviews provide for viewers lies in prediction of how a film will be. As predictors, critics can assist viewers in selecting movies to come in the future. There are a few major websites that students look to for this information, including and Critics have a certain credibility that viewers know they can trust because of their status and expertise in the industry as well as their lack of bias towards the films they are critiquing. When a film has less known actors and actresses or genre that is not as commonly viewed, viewers will rely more on the reviews of critics as well as friends and peers.
My research has backed up the information I have found in two different ways. Students who are not in film courses tend to rely on reviews from their friends and peers, especially those who have similar film taste as them. A student I interviewed said they did not go and see a movie in the theatre they had planned on seeing simply because their friend said it was not good. On the other hand, film students tend to use the resources given to them to find higher levels of reviews as well as the influence of their friends and peers, again, usually only listening to those with similar film taste. I would like to expand on this research and find what types of films viewers are more likely to look to reviews for? If the film has good advertisement and good actors, will viewers still look to reviews? What are the top resources for film reviews? Friends' influence and critic reviews, especially specific websites, help give insight into the films students and professors chose to see.
Monday, October 19, 2009
My research thus far as concluded that viewers don't necessarily watch films because of the violence. In fact, in the case of horror films, some viewers avoid the more violent types of films. To the affect of violence causing disturbances for viewers, my research has positively backed this up. A student that I have interviewed previously stated that after seeing a horror film that caused bad dreams and fear for some time to follow viewing the film, she would not watch another horror film, especially along the same lines as the film that originally caused the problem. I would like to explore further into the impact of violence in films. Do viewers watch a movie because of the violence in it, or in spite of the violence in it? Is violence a main factor that draws students and professors towards or away from films? What type of personalities to viewers hold that enjoy violent films because they are violent? Violence plays a big part in whether or not a viewer will chose to see a film or even a whole genre in the future.
From the years of 1939-1995, the Annual Quigley Publications Poll has been a poll taken each year to indicate the top five most popular American actors in each given year. Each year, these polls are based on box office values the film had acquired for that year. This means that the films that brought in the highest dollar amounts were evaluated and the starring actors and actresses were used for this poll. Because this poll was based on the films that brought in the most money, it demonstrates that the actors in the films have a huge impact on why people chose to see that specific film. It indicates that over history, people have made film choices because of the actors and actresses involved in the motion picture, not just the plot or genre. Interviews and research has already been showing me that students each have their favorite and least favorite actors and actresses. I hope to do further research on the impact that these actors have in the film. Would the film be as good to the viewer if it were a different actor? Would the viewer even go and see the film if these certain actors were not involved in the film? Does it change the viewers feelings toward an actor/ actress if they branch into different genres and don't succeed? Actors play a big role in choosing a film and will continue to be as important, especially in the economically weak situation we're currently experiencing. Well known actors will become a comforting thing for viewers because they know that person's body of work and can better gauge whether it is worth their $9.00 to see a certain film. Actors and actresses will always be a point of interest, in the media, in everyday conversation, and in film choices.
Genre also makes movie choices easier when it comes to renting a film. Whenever you walk into a video rental store (i.e. Blockbuster, Hollywood Video, etc.) they always have the different films available to rent in their respective genres or categories. This makes it easy for the viewer to make their film choice. If the viewer enjoys horror movies, they can look at the section with thrillers or horrors instead of glancing through the whole building. Because most viewers do not have extensive experience in the production and the companies producing each film, they tend to rely on factors they know and can trust. A comedy is intended to make you laugh, this is a known and trusted thing. Viewers will generally rely on genres rather than directors, cinematographers, or producing companies. The study genres affecting film choices has already proven that viewers will be more lenient to see a film in a genre they already know that they enjoy, however, I would like to do more research in this field. I would like to expand on the research already gathered by doing further student and professor interviews to find out how many film viewers watch a film based on its genre versus other means of selecting a film. I would also like to do further research into the gender differences in genre selections. My research and interviews will encompass ideas that will further prove or disprove the idea that certain genres are in viewers memory due to films already viewed and therefore affecting further viewing choices. Genres have and will continue to play a huge role in selecting motion pictures.
Thursday, October 15, 2009
The film questions commence...
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Just a little insight on what films people like to watch...
I have been chatting with my classmates about new movies, old favorites, and classic films everyone must see. So far it seems like most of the film professors and students watch movies based on the companies and personnel that make the films themselves. The film students also seem to watch their share of guilty pleasures such as comedies with crude humor targeted towards college students. The director and producers, along with a talented cast, seems to be the most common element comprising of film students and professors criteria. Genre is also an important factor but not as critical as the director and producers of the film. One big difference I have noticed is that film students and professors read a lot of reviews on films before they decide if they will see a film. I personally always research films before I view them. Most college students and professors not associated with the film program just watch films based on pleasure. Most college students and professors are wrapped in by the clever advertising that Hollywood films come up with. Films students and professors contrast this idea by researching and viewing more independent films. I love independent films, along with other films students, because they open up the doors to new, unique, ways of filming. Independent films seem to be becoming more and more popular everyday. I think that the film industry is changing ever so fast and I can't wait to see where it leads us as viewers and for myself and other film majors, as future filmmakers.
Thursday, October 1, 2009
The Beginning of Endless Film Choices...
This subject is very intriguing to me because I am a film student and I love watching all types of films. I started out as a business major my first semester of college and changed my major to Radio/Television/Film the next semester. I always wanted to study film but never looked at it as a reality. I hope to move to California when I graduate and work in the film industry. I want to work as a scriptwriter, cinematographer, and one day become a director.
Their are a lot of criteria measures which I take into consideration when I am deciding on a film. I want to pick other people's brains to understand if they share any of the same criteria as me or others I have talked to. I want to comprise results and common themes based on interviews that I will conduct at my University. I am excited about my topic because I love talking with people about all areas of film. This study will help me improve my research skills as a student and help me open up to new ideas as a film viewer.